Jacques Marie Mage
Jacques Marie Mage is a maker of rare, collectible spectacles that combine historical motifs with precious materials, innovative production methods, and ethical business practices.
Jacques Marie Mage (JMM) is a Los Angeles-based producer of limited-edition designer goods that specialize in the micro-production of artisanal eyewear.
Drawing inspiration from across continents, cultures, and generations, JMM combines world-class craftsmanship with advanced production methods, embracing an array of rich materials, bold geometric shapes, and an exuberance of attitude to create impeccably crafted spectacles that elegantly infuse historical motifs with a modern sensibility.
Powerful, playful and meaningfully idiosyncratic, JMM offers sophisticated statement pieces infused with a distinct perspective, eyewear informed by a design language that combines a respect for history, craft, and technical innovation, ultimately resulting in small-batch goods that pay homage to the past while pushing the aesthetic into the future.
Blake Kuwahara
I’m embarrassed to say that this project started out as most things in my life: driven by aesthetics and selfishness. It was done to fulfill my own design needs and that of my circle that live in a very visual world: artists, filmmakers, architects, fashionistas, and designers of all sorts.
A photographer friend mentioned one night that she couldn’t find any glasses that suited her look. They were either too “cartoonish”, “old-lady-like”, or “boringly preppy”. “I want a pair like you’re wearing – stylish, but understated”, she said pointing to my glasses – a pair of prototypes – simple and sleek, yet with a subtle but obvious edge.
I have to admit, I am a bit of a contradiction. I have a weakness for minimalist fashion, but I am not a purest; I am compelled to mix Jil Sander with distressed jeans and worn boots. And, like many people I know, straddle both the artistic and business worlds. It was fair to say that many of us struggled to find suitable eyewear – hence the prototype I designed for myself.
So from that dinner conversation came the inspiration and proverbial push for launching my signature brand – a collection of frames that are a mashup of my colliding aesthetics with special attention paid to sculpting and tactility.
They are artful but wearable. By using laborious production techniques and a lot of handwork, an inner silhouette is encased in an unexpectedly fresh outer shape. This seamless fusion of two frames and the juxtaposition of contrasting form and color create a design tension that is thoroughly modern yet comfortably familiar.
A paradox. Like me.
Gli occhiali L.G.R sono interamente fatti a mano in Italia da tre famiglie di artigiani, che costruiscono ogni montatura dall’inizio alla fine utilizzando i metodi tradizionali della produzione per realizzare un prodotto autentico e raffinato.
L.G.R conserva i valori e l’eredità artigianale italiana attraverso il duro lavoro di persone che hanno trascorso le loro vite specializzandosi nel settore dell’occhialeria in modo rigoroso e attento in ogni dettaglio. Il risultato è un prodotto genuino che riflette l’eccellenza attraverso la passione e l’autenticità.
約40年の時を経た2013年、新たなデザインチームがそのEYEVANのクラフトマンシップを引き継ぎ、自分たちが今、本当に美しいと思える物をかたちにしたコレクションがEYEVAN 7285です。
EYEVAN 7285のデザインソースは初代のデザインチームが収集した古い眼鏡や望遠鏡、手鏡、その他の古い道具や、デザイナー自らが目にした建造物などの人工物や自然や天然物など様々なモノです。
また、EYEVAN 7285の製品は、世界トップクラスの眼鏡生産地である福井県鯖江市の熟練した眼鏡職人の手作業と最新の機械によるマシンメイドの複合した生産工程により作り出されています。伝統的な製法と新しい製法を組み合わせて作り上げる眼鏡は、一見シンプルで何気ないデザインの物が多いですが、細部は非常に技巧的で、鯖江でも特に高い技術を持つ限られた職人の手作業による工程が多くを占めます。約400工程もの作業を経て丁寧に時間をかけて作り上げる眼鏡は工業製品というよりも現代の工芸品と言えるものです。
Unique eyewear that invites you to participate in a forward-thinking movement.
Contemporaneous look, subtly futuristic, conceptual and timeless.
VAVA seeks to foster a dialogue between crafts and high-tech, using the most advanced technologies. A techno product that, at same time, embodies the experience, knowledge and art of the great masters of the handmade eyewear. This approach, combined with the use of the highest quality materials, makes VAVA unique.
Eque M.
Craftsmanship is the cornerstone of DITA’s reputation for quality and innovation – that is why our relationship with some of the world’s most highly regarded artisans have lasted not years, but decades. In an era of mass production and automation, we are committed to preserving an artistic legacy.
DITA uses one of the highest grades of Beta-titanium, which is thin, durable and extremely flexible. Our Beta-titanium is1/3 the weight of steel.
Our acetate frames use a proprietary tumbling process to achieve their beautiful finish. DITA uses some of the highest quality acetate available.
All lenses feature AR (anti-reflective)coating which reduces glare on the back of lenses, gradients, mirrors and flashesAn additional chemical hard coat increases scratch resistance and improves cleaning and durability.
We finish all our frames in Japan, Not because we can, but because we must. The level of detail in our frames requires the outmost level of quality, and that quality is found in Japan. In 2018, we opened our own proprietary factory in Japan further investing in R&D to develop unique design and production methods. We are one of the first independent eyewear companies to do so.
Old World Technique, New World Expression.
In a world that emphasizes immediacy, we choose to anchor ourselves in traditions of craftsmanship and thoughtful execution. The distinctly Japanese approach of combining handcrafted techniques and innovative technology guides our philosophy of experimentation and is unmistakably Matsuda. Each finished creation is an art object unto itself — as pleasing to the hand as it is to the eye.
Thom Browne
Every Mens and Womens made-to-measure suit is fully canvased by hand and proportioned to your frame. From appointment to final fitting, in 6-8 weeks.
All Thom Browne orders ship with complimentary packaging.
Yohji Yamamoto
„In order to create an image almost similar to that of a pencil case standing up and walking, I try to eliminate all excess by cutting. I have the feeling that this process (of “cutting off”) is linked in some way to “elegance”. Elegance and so-called “eliminating excess”, or the beauty that remains after excess has beeen eliminated…“
Yohji Yamamoto
Siens Eye Code
The project sparks from the symbiosis of design, technology and scientific research based on perception and reality.
SIENS embodies the concept of visual recodification, interpreting and determining a new way of communicating with oneself and with others depending on the objects that are worn.
The object itself becomes a visual device lying between our inner world and external experience
between perceptible and imperceptible, between the eye and reality, between ourselves and the world surrounding us, inspiring us to be authentic and unique.
The concept evolves from an innovative, dynamic and versatile reality. Its vision of design and intuition transforms into singular creatures to be worn and that come into being through teamwork.
Siens Journey
Siens’ creatures travel around the globe interacting with the multitudes of the outer and inner journey of the wearer, functioning not only as a tool of amplification and protection, but also as an integral part of the experience.
Oliver Peoples
Sin da subito, dal 1987, Oliver Peoples ha saputo sviluppare un’immagine e campagne iconiche che riflettessero il suo impegno per l’integrità, l’artigianalità e un lusso senza tempo. Nel 2017, per festeggiare il nostro trentesimo anniversario, abbiamo deciso di collaborare con un pioniere della fotografia, Peter Lindbergh, per quella che allora era la nostra campagna più ambiziosa, Desert Stories, storie dal deserto. Nella sua lunga e prolifica carriera, Lindbergh ha aperto la strada a canoni di bellezza meno esasperati, più realistici, con ritratti onesti, ma dall’allure cinematografica. La stessa volontà di spingersi oltre la perfezione patinata delle riviste che Lindbergh ha deciso di portare anche in Desert Stories, una campagna che segna ancora il punto più alto nel nostro viaggio estetico.
IRRESISTOR is the combined word of prefix ‘IR’ and ‘RESIST’, which means the summation of all IRRESISTIBLE CREATION. Under the concept of ‘Blended Soul,’ we reinterpret the Phenomena and create the fresh and novel works and that is the philosophy of IRRESISTOR.
Creatività Italiana, Eccellenza Giapponese.
Questo è lo stile NOBìKA. Memorabile. Come te.
Un occhiale NOBìKA racconta molto di sè. Della sua storia. Della sua innovazione. Del suo stile.
Nasce dal Design e dalla Ricerca Italiana e viene realizzato a mano da selezionati Maestri Artigiani Giapponesi che lo plasmano a regola d’arte rendendolo un esemplare unico e inimitabile.
Pugnale & Nyvele
From day one Pugnale has conquered a place in the market showing its uniqueness. Pugnale deepest mission is to recover the craftsmanship belonging to the first eyewear factories of the North East of Italy with a perfect mix between past and future. All Pugnale productions are exclusively handmade in Italy, with a selected network of suppliers, which come from the eyewear as well as from the medical, automotive and aerospace industry.
We create our products thinking about our special customers, and through forms and elements, which is the heart of our identity. Each piece can be considered iconic and unique thanks to the handmade process applied. The combination of different and precious materials is the heart of our creations and the manufacturing processes of our collections is incomparable to no one in the market.
Emanuele Pugnale in partnership with Ermanno Scervino fashion house, designed a revolutionary eyewear: for the first time in the world of the eyewear history real fur mink has been sewn by hand on the frame. Our artisans, in collaboration with the Italian fashion house Tagliatore create an iconic eyewear. Precious silks hand-woven all over the front part of the frame, plated with pink gold coatings, gives birth to a piece of Italian hand made glasses. Thanks to this exclusive handcrafted approach and combination between precious metals mixed with fabrics, we created a representative eyewear concept that obtained a worldwide copyright©.
“If you buy a handcrafted pair of glasses or sunglasses, you want to see the tiny inaccuracies, the straight, raw edges of the plastic, the pins – they give character, make them unique to the wearer. The Cutler and Gross customer has always been an individual. Eccentric maybe, but a rare breed, certainly.” – Graham Cutler
Founded in 1969, British luxury eyewear brand Cutler and Gross combines the finest Italian craftsmanship with irrefutably cool style. Since its establishment in fashion’s halcyon days, the brand’s signature creativity has been applied to sunglasses and optical frames with their trademark numbered designs and absence of an ostentatious logo.